Since I am going to be in Carolina for awhile, maybe a good long while, I've been thinking on possibly buying a house. As a first time home buyer, now is the time to do it with the tax credit and all. So, in light of that I have signed up for a homebuying seminar offered through the Duke University Credit Union. My boss's wife is a real estate agent who specializes in first time home buyers so after the seminar, maybe sometime next week, I'm going to meet her for lunch and ask her lots of questions. I'm kind of excited about the prospect of having my own place. I've been leaning more towards the condo route as I don't necessarily want to deal with caring for my own back yard, and there are lots of new condo developments in the South Point area of Durham, which is where I live currently and would like to stay. Since they're new, I don't necessarily need to worry about updating, or painting, or taking down wallpaper. Many of them have gas fireplaces which I am kind of excited about. My friends in Texas have one and it's pretty cool. You just flick the switch when you want to turn it on, which is great since y'all know I am not chopping my own wood.
**On another note - please keep darling Clare in your thoughts and prayers today. She is the young daughter of one of my oldest friends and she is having some medical procedures done today.

Hope Claire did well last week. How's your back doing??
First time home buying is very exciting. Terrifying, but fun! ;-)
I know a great condo in Northern Virginia that you may like. The trip to and from work may be a little long though!
Daniel and I have never owned our own house... someday after the Air Force we will :) For now, I will live vicariously through people like you!
It sure sounds like you are making great decisions on this new adventure! And I hope you find just exactly the house of your dreams.
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