Two Days Off and Nothing to Do
I am so excited that I actually have nothing to do this weekend. Which means there is a whole host of options out there. Maybe dinner with friends on Saturday, or a movie, or just curling up on the couch with a book. I'm currently on a mystery kick and after rereading a few Agatha Christie's I decided I wanted something new, so I picked up the Complete Sherlock Holmes. I've never read any of Conan Doyle's stuff before and although I've decided that I prefer Agatha Christie, this Sherlock Holmes stuff isn't half bad. I like to puzzle things out, so it's fun to play along.
What I definitely intend on doing is seeing Julie&Julia at the movie theatre. It's supposed to be blazing hot and incredibly humid here this weekend. What better way to spend a scorching weekend afternoon than at the movies? I grew up watching Julia Child on PBS every Saturday. I loved it. I loved her accent, I loved her humor. Even at 6, 7, 8 years old, I could tell she had a great sense of humor and she loved what she was doing. It would be a nice trip down memory lane to see Meryl Streep as Julia Child for a few hours.

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