I love North Carolina. I have friends here, I like my classes at NCSU, and I love my job at Duke. There are moments though where I wish I could transplant this whole experience to my mom's backyard in North Providence. Its the little things that get me. Seeing someone's birthday on my calendar or Jim & Beej posting video of Jack and Lila on Facebook and my my heart aches for a bit and I get a little weepy. It's hard sometimes being so far away from everyone that you hold so very dear.
For those of you who know the barest things about me, my family - my big, huge, Italian-American family - are pretty much all in Rhode Island and Southeast Mass. I grew up with my cousins. We'd spend weekends together just hanging around, making up dances, playing games, swimming in grandma's pool. My aunts and uncles are the best. I love my parents and I have an awesome stepfamily. And here I sit on a long holiday weekend, reading about research methods and getting a little wistful about football seasons past where we'd all cheer on the Patriots or go to Auntie Lorri's for a soup party. My cousins have babies now and I'm missing watching them grow up. It's hard going home every few months and be a stranger to these little ones. Especially since I have no children of my own. I love my life, and I like the person I've become. I just get a little homesick every now and again.

Miss you, too. It was great that I had gone down in January and you came home a few times since then. That is the most we have seen each other in a years span for quite some time. I am so excited that you are able to come home for Christmas!!! It's been awhile since we have been able to spend the holiday together! I love you- Mom
Nichole, believe me, I understand exactly what you are saying. I've been away for over 20 years and I still love going back to RI and my family. In another few weeks, A Pat, Kelly, Korey, Kennedy and I will be in NC.... can't wait to see you.
Being a military family I completely understand where you're coming from! It is so hard being away from family. That's why I'm thankful I was able to move in with my mom while Joe's deployed - it gives the kids some real quality time to get to know their grandma too.
hugs to you, sorry you're missing your family right now!
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