21 December 2009

Post Blizzard Day Book

Outside my window … there is a foot of snow and a poorly plowed street :(

I am thinking … that the town of North Providence needs to step it up in the plowing department

I am thankful for an uneventful trip home, I made it before the storm started

I am reading The Lost Symbol. It's good, but I think Angels and Demons will still be my fave Dan Brown book

I am hoping … for good weather next Sunday when I drive back to NC

On my mind … I am still excited about getting an A in my Finance class

I'm learning … that I miss being home, but I love my life in NC.

Noticing that … my sister and I have a better relationship when we are in different states

From the kitchen … Mom made pasta and sauce for dinner tonight...yum!

Around the house … my mom's basement is freezing cold

One of my favorite things … watching baking shows. Amazing Wedding Cakes is my new favorite.

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