22 May 2010

Saturday Daybook

Outside my window …dark clouds, some thunder, and heavy rain.

I am thinking … that the women profiled on Bridezillas are really crazy.

I am thankful for this new opportunity to move to Texas.

I am reading Until the Twelfth of Never. It's a true crime novel, one of my favorites.

I am hoping … that I can settle all this moving company business on Monday or Tuesday. It's the last thing I need to line up regarding the move.

On my mind … Packing and moving and packing and hiring movers.

I'm learning … that I might need to invest in a cat condo for the new apartment. Kate really likes to climb - her new favorite spot is on top of the mattress that is leaning against the wall.

Noticing that … there is really not much left to pack - yea!

From the kitchen … not much, trying to close up shop for the move.

Around the house … boxes, boxes, and more boxes.

One of my favorite things … Alton Brown's Thin cookie recipe, I think it's the best out there.

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