29 June 2010

More Movie Must Sees: Deathly Hallows

I know some of you out there reading are Twilight fans, so I may offend some of you with this post. I never got into Twilight. It always rang hollow to me, and Bella is annoying. Sorry, it had to be said. Compared to the entire universe/canon that JK Rowling created before she even started writing, Stephenie Meyers pales in comparison. JKR is just on a completely different playing field. I just always got the impression that S. Meyers was writing about her personal teenage fantasies, what with sparkling vampires and all that. No where is this comparison (or lack thereof) more evident in the quality of the movies. Yes, the Twi-Hards swoon over every little mention of the series, the actors, etc. But the movies are critically eviscerated, and the company behind the films (Summit) appears to be more concerned with the bottom line and making as much money possible as they can, than the quality of the films. The wigs are budget, the CGI is budget, the films give off a vibe of being cobbled together. While I am not a fan of Twilight, those fans should demand better of the production quality, especially given how rabid they are.

What they need to do is take a page from Warner Brothers. There has never been anything budget about any of the Harry Potter movies. While fans of the books (myself included) may be disappointed that they can't possibly put every aspect of the books onto film, what they do put onto film is quality. I still remember watching the first movie in the theatres almost ten years ago and thinking - yes! That is exactly how I pictured Hermione, Ron, Snape, the Burrow, the Dursleys, the Quidditch. They nailed it. And they did it well. Despite having used various directors over the course of the series, there haven't been major recasts, except Dumbledore and that was owing to the fact that Richard Harris passed away. Even the trailers are done well. The editing, the sound, the graphics - they're all first rate. See for yourself. WB just released the latest trailer for Part 1 of the Deathly Hallows. I can't even begin to describe how excited I am about it.
Squeee!!! I can't believe I have to wait until November for this movie. Watch it - and if you are a Potter fan, tell me your eyes didn't well up a bit, or that you didn't get chills. And this is just the TRAILER, people. Four and a half months to go...

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