23 June 2010

Splish Splash

I love to swim. I've always loved the water. Both sets of grandparents had pools when I was a baby so I was in the water right from the beginning. My gym has a pool and three mornings a week I swim laps. I don't know how many laps I do - I don't count. I just swim for about 30-40 minutes. At 5:45am, I'm usually the only one in the pool and the solitude is heavenly. No noise, just the sound of the water as I move through. It's kind of like running, you don't really have to think about it, you just go. That half hour gives me the chance to think about my day or plan ahead for stuff or really think about nothing whatsoever, I can just enjoy the quiet time. In the pilot episode of The West Wing, there is a scene with CJ Cregg at the gym and she's explaining to the guy next to her on the treadmill that her hour at the gym was her hour, her time, and then her pager goes off saying that the President had been in a bicycle accident and she falls off the treadmill. While my job and my life are not so high profile or as stressful as the fictional press secretary's, I feel that way about my time swimming laps. It's my time, my hour - no cats wanting breakfast, no laundry or cleaning to do, no phones ringing, no emails. Just me and the water.

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