Random Thoughts
- There are days when I look down at my left wrist and can't believe I have a tattoo. I'm not saying I regret it, because I don't. I had been wanting to get one for several years. I just hadn't found the right thing. And if you're going to permanently mark yourself, it better be something you're prepared to live with forever. - I really like Texas. Not as much as North Carolina, but it's a nice state to live in. Lots to do. Cowboys driving down the highway. Flat land as far as the eye can see. It's beautiful. And for the next years of my journey, it's home. And since the Red Sox failed to make the post-season...GO RANGERS!!! - I will never cheer for the Cowboys. - Since fall is here and stores are carrying canned pumpkin, it's time for me to bake my pumpkin chocolate chip cookies. Yum! - Harry Potter in one month!!!! - I am eagerly awaiting my trip to NC in November. Can't wait to visit with everyone.
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