Y'all. I need a new winter coat. I live in Texas, so I don't need many and I have been very judicious in purchasing winter coats. I have two black ones and a tan peacoat. One of the black ones is OLD. And I mean, I've had it since college. Let me remind you all that my 20 year college reunion is next year. Ahem. I loved this coat though, however this winter the lining started to tear and I think that means it has served me well and it is time for a new one. #RIPExpressCoat
I want a white one though. Ideally, I want a shawl collar, belted winter white coat. I'm not picky or anything, ha!
I figured with it being the end of the season, now would be the time to find one I liked and maybe catch it on sale. So I scoured the internet. Here are my favorites.
I love the cut of this coat. No belt, but it has the shawl collar and the zippers give it interest. It's current on sale, so this may be a contender.
Ooooh, this one is pretty - and on sale! This color is Glacier, and online it looks kind of grey, but I love the look of it so much, I may be willing to overlook that it's not the winter white coat of my dreams.
Sigh. This is THE ONE. However, it the most expensive of the ones I've looked at. Double Sigh. It's got the cut, it's got the color, it's got the belt. And it has a heftier price tag. Of course. I may keep watching and see if they lower the price any more.
Thoughts? Would you splurge? Would you settle? Or would you wait until next year since I really don't need it immediately? Sound off below!
Have a great weekend everyone!

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