I know you can't see it very well, but the snow piled on the deck was over my knees! Sunday quickly became stay-in-your-pajamas-and-lounge-around-day" as the streets were pretty undrivable. Callie and I curled up on the couch and napped for awhile:
Mmmm, okay, so I napped and Callie barked at every plow that drove past. By Monday, the roads were passable (the Town of North Providence really needs to learn to do a better job plowing - it took the better part of the week for parts of the roads to be okay to drive on, this is Rhode Island people, not Alabama; you plow every winter!) and vacation could really start. The week was good. I got to hang out with my family, which I don't get to do nearly as often as I would like. I settled up an issue with the RI department of motor vehicles. I had a chance to eat some delicious clam chowder and clam cakes. I had a fun night out with Melissa, Michaela, and Jayne. I helped the Rhode Island economy a bit by doing my share of shopping. Most of all, I enjoyed my time off. I hardly ever take a whole week to do nothing. I was forbidden by my boss to check my work e-mail and I'm proud to say I stuck to it and didn't log in once. After a busy semester of work and school, I needed the break.
I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas and I will see you all in the new year!

It was great to have you home for Christmas! We haven't all been together at Christmas in a quite a few years. And the munchkins were well behaved (or should I say, hide every time I went downstairs). I was sad to see you and Melissa go "back home".
I love you- Mom
so glad that you were able to take that time and go home for Christmas! and yeah, it was a lot of snow...good thing you left a day earlier :)
Happy new year to you!
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