20 February 2010

Saturday Afternoon Daybook

Outside my window …the sun is shining and it's almost 60 degrees!

I am thinking … that I need to get my schoolwork organized before I miss something.

I am thankful for for second chances.

I am reading The History of Higher Education. The current article is about the state of colleges in the South after the Civil War.

I am hoping … that one of the American pairs wins an ice dancing medal.

On my mind … homework, homework, homework. I can't wait for Wednesday so I can have a brief respite.

I'm learning … the South really struggled with innovation in higher education after the Civil War.

Noticing that … it's time to dust.

From the kitchen … chicken soup and saltines. My stomach has not been happy with me this week.

Around the house …laundry is done, everything looks good (except the dust), I just need to get those plastic bins into storage.

One of my favorite things … when Kate curls up next to me on the couch while I'm doing homework.

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