23 February 2010

Winter Olympics

You long time readers know that I love the Olympics. The spirit, the sportsmanship, the heart. I try to watch as much as my schedule allows, every time it rolls around - from opening ceremonies to the passing of the torch to the next host city. What make Vancouver special for me is that it actually a city that I have been to. It's always nice to have a frame of reference. And Vancouver is just the most gorgeous place - mountains and ocean and a great ambiance. I've only been once, but would love to go back again someday.

These games have been pretty amazing - at least for the Americans. I won't go into how much of a sore loser I think Yevgeny Plushenko is, but I am really proud of all of our American athletes. I will say that the moment that had me tearing up the most, was for a Canadian. A lovely skater, Joannie Rochette, unfortunately lost her mother to a heart attack two days before she was scheduled to compete. I cannot even imagine. I know how utterly devastated I would be to lose my mother unexpectedly like that. I don't know that I would have had the strength to go on like Joannie did. And she turned in the greatest skate of her life. I doubt there was a dry eye at the arena that night. I know her mother was looking down on her, giving her the strength to give it her all, to fulfill their dream. I can't post the actual video, but if you click on her name, you can tune in and watch an amazing performance.

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