15 March 2010

Happy Birthday Jack!

My sweet, precious Jack turned five today. I can hardly believe it. We've lived in three states since I got him as a kitten from Angell ASPCA in Boston. He's been a great pet and has really learned how to travel well - I don't even need to sedate him anymore. Jack is a curmudgeonly cat. He occasionally grants Kate's wishes that he play with her, but most of the time he likes to keep to himself, curled up in some sunny spot, just watching the world go by. Once in a while he wants to be petted and be near me, but only on his terms, never on mine. His terms generally include anytime I am trying to do homework, read something for work, or do any kind of research on the laptop. He's lucky he is such a handsome cat.


Mom said...

Happy Birthday, Jack!! (Big Paws as Rich calls him!) He really was a pleasure to travel with. It was alot easier than I thought it would be.

Nichole Fisher said...

I know - I love that Rich calls him Big Paws. Cracks me up everytime.

Sean said...

Happy Birthday Jack! I do love how cats do everything on their own terms.

Michelle said...

aww, happy birthday to Jack!

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