31 March 2010

Wednesday Day Book

Outside my window …a gorgeous sunset. The weather was beautiful today. I love Spring in North Carolina

I am thinking … that I can't believe the semester is almost over and I have a bit of work left to do

I am thankful for good friends, new and old

I am reading Buckingham Palace Gardens. The latest from one of my all time favorite authors, Anne Perry. She has an interesting past, if you get the chance look her up on Wikipedia.

I am hoping … that Duke wins this weekend! After surviving Baylor (sorry D), it's on to West Virginia. Go Blue Devils!!!

On my mind … cannot wait for the weekend! I think I'm going to have a good weigh in this week.

I'm learning … French! Yes, truly. Using a license from NCSU I can use Rosetta Stone for free. I finished chapter one. Maybe I'll work on Chapter 2 tonight.

Noticing that … my apartment is very dusty. I feel like I dust all the time!

From the kitchen … yummy leftovers from the weekend. D is an amazing cook.

Around the house … it's warm enough to leave the windows open and the cats are loving it.

One of my favorite things … holding baby Kennedy. She is just the sweetest thing.

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