30 March 2010

Odds and Ends

I don't want to harp on this too much given the devastating flooding in my home state of Rhode Island, but the weather here in North Carolina has been gorgeous the last couple of days and it's only going to get better - 80s and sunny for the foreseeable future.

D came to visit last weekend and it was so so good to get to spend time with him. It's hard when the person you love lives so far away, but we're making it work for now. We saw Alice in Wonderland, which by the way, if you have not seen the movie yet you need to go to your local cinema right now and see it. That's an order. We had dinner with some of my family on Sunday. That was a lot of fun and any Sunday I get to see family is a good Sunday. The fact that D was there too just made it better. I had to sneak in some homework over the weekend as I had a paper due on Monday, but it was nice just being in the same place with him. He's just the best and I am very lucky.

School is winding down for the semester - woohoo!!! The bulk of my work for history is done, I just need to finish my org theory group project and I can basically consider the semester finished. Unfortunately I hate group work. Loathe it actually, so I'm trying to make the best of it. Most of the schoolwork I will be working on this weekend will be related to that project. Other plans for the gorgeous impending Easter weekend? Maybe a little shopping, a pedicure, an Easter luncheon with some of my fellow doctoral students (the recipe I'm making for Sunday will appear here on Thursday, so stay tuned).

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