24 August 2016

Life Lately

Happy Wednesday!  We are halfway through the week!  I'm going through Olympics withdrawal...how about you all?  Did the kiddos get off to school okay?  Registration for our Fall term ended Monday, so Tuesday was the day we dealt with all the panicked phone calls and tomorrow we are closed for Professional Development.

Needless to say, last week was crazy workwise, but here's a peek into what's been going on in our world.

These came in!  Our park passes for Disney.  We are 23 days away from our trip to Disney World.  I've already told my boss I am turning my email off on my phone while I'm gone.  We are so excited.  I'm love Disney, but I'm also excited to see it with my niece and experience all the fun and magic with her.

We've been watching a lot of this.  Once swimming finished, we turned our attention to track and field.  I am always amazed at the sportsmanship - like the American runner who tripped and fell with the New Zealand runner and despite a torn ACL (what!) she got up and told the other runner, "it's the Olympics, we have to finish" and finished the race with her.  It's moments like this that capture the true Olympic spirit.

I've already mentioned my obsession with barre classes in a previous post, it's become part of my weekly routine.  I'm trying to get to 3 or 4 classes a week #sweatingforthewedding #lifttoneburn #purebarrelascolinas

And then these came in!  Our luggage tags for the Disney Magical Express that will take us from the airport to the resort!  Last Sunday we had a facetime conference call with the rest of the family to plan the final details.  Have I mentioned it's 23 days away??? 

Spending the last two weeks on the couch watching the Olympics every night, Kate has spent several of them with us.  She curls up next to me and chills out.  #shesnotalapcat #neitherisjack #iwishoneofthemwere

Ummm, and then we watched more Olympics.  Are you sensing a theme here?  It's pretty much been all Olympics all the time around here when we're not working or trying to get ahead so we can relax when we're at Disney.  This was one of the volleyball medal matches.  We even watched the marathon on Sunday.  

I was trying to work on some things on Sunday and my other #notalapcat decided to join me.  He's been very sweet lately.  It comes and goes.  Some weeks he's super sweet and social and wants to love on you, and then some weeks you look at him and he skitters away.  

I take a 5:15am class two mornings a week.  These are led by the owner of the studio.  Her name is Niki and she rocks.  I love starting my day with one of her classes.

 top (similar) | jeans (similar) | shoes | watch | essential fringe necklace | alila earrings

 Saturday date night outfit for delicious Mexican food at Gloria's.

Deciding between the Brisket Tacos or the Tacos al Carbon.  I went with the Garlic Shrimp.  #sodelicious #getthechipsandsalsa

And then we wrapped up the week with more Olympics, including NBC's highlight reel and the closing ceremonies.  My favorite opening and closing of the last few Olympics has been Beijing.  Rio did an okay job, but China knocked it out of the park when they hosted.

What are we going to do now that the Olympics are over?  I'm going to finish a couple of books and I'm taking another Spanish class this semester.  And count down the days til Disney.  #23days

Enjoy the rest of your week!  See you back here Friday for Friday favorites.


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