21 November 2016

Life Lately

The Monday of a short week.  I am so excited.  I've got two days of work this week and then I am off Wednesday through Sunday.  Woohoo!  And I am really looking forward to Thanksgiving with Phillip and his family.  I can hardly believe this will be our third holiday season together.  We are gearing up for Thanksgiving and Christmas - we both love this time of year.  Here's a little peek into what we've been up to lately.  And don't forget the giveaway!  I'm giving away a pair of Stella & Dot Sparkle Studs!  Contest ends Thursday, winner will be announced Friday morning.

Last week I was out of town part of the week for the annual TACRAO meeting.  This year it was in Horseshoe Bay, just outside Marble Falls.  It was a gorgeous location.  There were great sessions and I walked away with some questions and ideas, always the sign of a good meeting.

top | crops | shoes | necklace | watch | earrings | bracelet

When I go to meetings, I tend to dress business casual.  You never know who you are going to run into and I am always aware that I am a representative of my institution.  I may skew slightly dressier if I am presenting, but skirts and sweaters, blouses and pants, are generally what I pack.  Plus of course, fun jewelry.  This Stella & Dot Garland Fringe is the perfect necklace to pack.  You can wear it 8 different ways, so I had multiple options with just the one necklace.

When I got back from Horseshoe Bay I took the car for a well deserved cleaning.  It was long overdue.  The dust.  Ugh.  She's all clean and shiny now.

Y'all know I am a make-up junkie.  I touched on this product last Friday in Friday Favorites.  I had been eyeing for awhile and when Sephora had their VIB 20% off sale, I snapped it up.  I LOVE this eyeshadow palette.  The colors are amazing and go on so well.  Great pigmentation and blending.  I love it.  It's my new favorite.

Last Friday night I was about to prep dinner when Phillip came home from work.  He said, you don't really want to cook tonight do you?  Let's go out.  I got to pick and I went with Terra.  One of our local favorites.  There is nothing like warm, fresh pita straight from the oven.

cardigan | tee | jeans | boots | necklace (similar) | watch | ring | belt

Casual Friday called for this outfit.  I am in love with this long cardigan from J. Jill.  You are looking at what will probably be my Thanksgiving outfit. 

Saturday morning was clear and cool, my kind of running weather.  It was about 43 degrees.  #perfect #noreally

I love running in the cooler weather.  I know, I know, I live in Texas.  I treasure these cooler months when I love running outdoors.  I did three miles and felt like I could have done another two.  If we didn't have plans for Saturday, I would have gone for it.

wrap cardigan | jeans | tank | boots | watch

Never a dull moment - thanks for the photobomb Phillip!  We had a couple of errands to run and did I mention it was chilly?  Then it was off to a birthday party for a 6 year old and a 7 year old.  I was comfy and cozy.  Isn't this red cardi so pretty?  And added bonus - it's currently on sale for under $40.  You should get one.  I can't even describe how soft it is and it comes in tons of colors.

I was taking selfies and playing with the options on my phone when I caught this epic side-eye from Phillip.  #helovesme #marryingabloggeristoughy'all

He thinks he needs a hat like this for when we go to Rhode Island for Christmas.  I explained that we hardly get snow at Christmas.  It's usually in the low 40s, although occasionally we get an inch or two.  Please, Mother Nature, do not consider this a challenge!

And then Saturday night we got to do this!  I'm so excited that our tree is up.  It makes the apartment so festive and cheery.   We love the Christmas season and we had fun putting up the tree this year.

Sunday morning was quiet and relaxing.  I enjoyed gazing at the tree and drinking my coffee.  Quiet contentment.  Cozy flannel pants.  Hot coffee.  Sunday perfection.

This one curled up next to me for a snooze.  Don't let the collar fool you.  She's feeling much better and the vet was able to remove the suture from her eye on Friday.  We just have to keep up with the drops for another week and she'll be back to normal.

You didn't think I was going to get through a whole Life Lately post without plugging Pure Barre, did you?  I had a great class on Sunday with Niki.  I always leave feeling stronger than when I went in. 

That's it for Life Lately.  This Wednesday is What's Up Wednesday!  See you then and don't forget to enter the giveaway!


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