28 November 2016

Life Lately

Well hello there dear readers.  How was your holiday weekend?  We had a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner at Phillip's parents' house.  Lots of family, lots of food, and a time to be thankful for many things.  I've got a crazy busy work week coming up, hopefully that means the next three weeks before winter break will go quickly.  #fingerscrossed

Here's a peek into what we've been up to lately...

Barre, always barre.  I went four times last week - and I loved every minute.  Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 5:15am and then a class on Sunday.  Tuesday and Thursday Phillip and I hit the gym and run on the treadmill and we also run on the weekends.

My sister introduced me to this flavor of coffee.  It is perfect for the holiday season.  We found it at Target.  I'm not sure if it's available anywhere else.  It's like a snickerdoodle.  Yummy!

In case you were wondering what Sunday morning looks like in my house.  Coffee, breakfast, and blogging.  Sometimes I pre-write posts and sometimes I write them the day of.  It depends on how much homework I might have in a given week or if I am traveling.

Wednesday I took the day off and ran a few errands, which meant lunch solo for me.  If I can, I will opt for sushi when I am out and about.  Phillip is not a fan, so unless we're someplace like Kona Grill that has a diverse menu, I'm getting sushi when I'm not with him.

Thanksgiving morning we signed up to run a 5K - the Arlington Turkey Trot.  It was a lot of fun. The course is pretty flat and it winds around the stadiums in Arlington.  It was a fun way to start the day and get a good workout in before dinner.

He was feeling pretty good after the race.  He beat me by just over a minute.  Don't let him fool you.  He'll tell you it was three because he rounded up. #thatsnothowthisworks

top | jeans | bag (similar) | shoes | watch | necklace | earrings

I had originally planned to wear something different for Thanksgiving, but then it was going to be warmer than I thought and I needed to rethink my plan.  I love this lace front tee from J. Crew Factory.  Just dressy enough to be interesting and not just a plain tee.  I love the pop of color from the necklace and the jeans meant I could be comfy and mobile given there were going to be 13 kids there!

And then this happened!  Woohoo!  Yeah Buckeyes!  It was Beat Michigan Week and damn they pulled out the win.  I was on the edge of my seat the whole game.  There is nothing like an Ohio State win in The Game.

Saturday night was date night and we headed out to Southlake Town Square to see Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them followed by dinner at TruFire.

The movie was so good, although I expected nothing less from JKR.  Great cast, compelling story, and the perfect companion in the Harry Potter universe.  Dinner was also excellent.  TruFire is one of our favorites.  I usually always order them same thing - their turkey burger.  I branched out a little this time and went with the Carbonara.  Oh it was good.  I was deciding between that and the smoked meatballs and spaghetti.  I think I'll try that one next time. Phillip opted for the Chicken Parm.  Again, also delicious.

top | jeans | shoes | bag (similar) | necklace | earrings | watch

Sunday I had some errands to run and wanted to take this new J. Crew top out for a spin.  I love it.  There's nothing like a striped top and I love the orange and navy with the blue cuffs.

It was a cool and rainy Sunday here in Dallas, the perfect weather for pot roast.  Simmering away in the crockpot the apartment smelled amazing. 

And...we got our engagement photos back!  Yay!  We met the photographer down at the Arts District, near the Winspear Opera House and just went from there.  Here are a few of our favorites.

That's what we've been up to...what's new with you all?  Have a great week!  Come back Wednesday, it's going to be a "Day in the Life" post.  This is one of my favorites to write and put together.


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