Ah Wednesday, I am so glad to see you. This is a beast of a week compounded by a cold/sinus infection (I'm not sure, haven't seen a doc yet). While it's been hectic and crazy, there have been some bright spots. New Fixer Upper last night! New Top Chef tomorrow night! Which I am realizing will have to be DVR'd because the Cowboys have the Thursday night game this week. Sigh. Anyhow...yesterday I documented my day so you could see what a day in my life looks like. I love this type of post and do a couple each year.

It was a Tuesday, so the alarm went off at 5. Phillip was good and he went for a run. Given my current illness situation, I skipped which felt good at the moment, but now feels lazy. I know, I need to rest and not push it or I'll make myself worse, but I hate not working out. Even though I didn't get up to run, I did get up even though I could have justified another half hour in bed.

I made a cup of coffee - Cinnamon Sugar Cookie coffee to be exact. I limit myself to 1-2 cups per morning.

And then this poor soul. She wanted her breakfast. She announces every morning that she wants breakfast. Sometime she announces it at 4am. Joy of joys. I am trying to humor her though (see: collar of shame). I fed her and while she was nomming away, I was able to give her eye drops.

I pack my lunch 98% of the time. I usually end up with 2-3 lunch meetings per month, but all the other days I pack my lunch and some snacks. Being a WW girl, I measure and weigh everything. You can see Jack skulking in the background because I had pulled out the shredded chicken from the fridge for my salad.

I did a quick scan of the weather so I could figure out what I was going to wear. The weather in Texas has been wacky this fall. Warmer than usual and you never know when a cold day might creep in. No external meetings meant I opted for business casual - a pair of crops, a blouse, and a cardigan.

This is my closet. If you look closely you can notice my obsessive tendencies. Clothes organized by type then by color. See that red plaid top? I believe that will be my Christmas Day top with jeans and boots. Festive, right?

top | cardigan | pants | shoes | necklace | watch | earrings
This is what yesterday's outfit ended up being. I love the pattern on that blouse. I think I'm going to pair it with a pencil skirt next time. I'm usually not a big pattern person, but the colors on this one swayed me. And!!! It's on mega sale today. $29.99 plus an additional 40% at J. Crew Factory.

Last step of the morning - breakfast. On the mornings I go to barre, I grab a quest protein bar, on the other mornings I'll make a smoothie with quest protein powder. This one is a Salted Caramel Pumpkin Smoothie. Ingredients: 1 scoop Quest Salted Caramel Protein Powder, 2 tbsp pumpkin puree, 2 tbsp pb2, 1 cup unsweetend cashew milk, a handful of ice. So tasty. I drink it on my drive into work.

Wednesday I was out the door and in the car by 7:06. I listened to Mike & Mile for a bit before switching to a podcast. My new favorite is Stuff You Missed in History Class. They recently did an interview with Anne Byrn on her new book American Cake. Oh I want this book. It combines two of my favorite things - baking and history!

I had to make a pit stop by the post office on the way in, I needed to ship something I sold on Poshmark.

I was at my desk around 7:45 yesterday and immediately got to work on some International Admissions paperwork for students. I had 5 meetings yesterday and three of them were student appointments.

And then I got super busy and forgot to take pictures during the day until I stopped to make myself a cup of coffee at 3pm. I don't usually drink coffee in the afternoon, but the idea of coffee sounded very soothing at that point in the day.

5:15 and I was headed out to the garage, time to head home for the day.

There is some kind of construction in downtown Fort Worth that is reducing the lanes from 3 to 1 on the one way to get out of the city if you are heading toward 35W or 121 (I head for 121). Ugh. I hope they wrap this up quick.

I had to run into Target for cough syrup and came home to Phillip prepping dinner. We split dinner duties pretty evenly, but given the crazy day I had been having, I was happy he had started dinner. I helped a little and then did the clean up.

We both worked late Monday so we moved Monday's planned dinner to last night. We ate around 7:30pm. Veggie Burrito Bowls! We love this meal. Garlicky brown rice, black beans, shredded cabbage, jalapenos, guacamole, and sour cream. So so good. Phillip adds tomatoes and onions to his. Blech.

I don't usually bake mid-week, but my Assistant Director is taking a new position at the college. Yay for her! I am devastated though, she is so so good at her job. It's going to be tough to fill her shoes. I whipped up a quick blueberry loaf for a small party we're having for her tomorrow (her last day in our office).

I got that in the oven in time to tune in to the Fixer Upper premiere. I love love love what they did with the house. They always do a great job, but what they did with the exterior and roof alone was amazing.

And then I wrapped up the night with a little something sweet, a small helping of rice pudding. It wasn't my great-grandmother's rice pudding, warm from the oven with cinnamon sprinkled on top, but this was am adequate substitution.
And then I promptly forgot to take pictures the rest of the night. Let's just say Fixer Upper ended at 9pm and I was asleep by 9:15pm.
And that my friends, was my Tuesday in a nutshell! Thanks for following along. I'll see you back here Friday for Friday Favorites. I'll be talking about some of my favorite kids gifts.

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