Last year I linked up as part of Shay and Erika's "Workin' It Wednesday" series. This year, the series is "How We Wednesday". Once a month, I'll share with you how I do something. For January, I'm sharing How I Do Goals/Resolutions.
I posted my Goals for 2018 on the blog last week. A few years ago, I intentionally switched from doing a New Year's Resolution to Goals for the Year. I felt like resolutions were very "one and done" in nature. Either you did it or you didn't. Goals felt more aspirational - something to strive for. Even if you didn't reach a particular goal, you could chart progress along the way. It also allowed me to have goals in multiple areas, whereas it felt silly having multiple resolutions.
How do I pick my goals for the year? I look at all the different aspects of my life: home, health, hobbies, work and think about what I might want to achieve for the year.
For example, related to health, I really want to make goal this year with my weight. In order to make this happen, I need to have goals related to diet and exercise. Now, of course I've been sidelined exercise wise the last week due to illness because that is how my life works, but one week is not a year and with 20 pounds to go, I know I can make my weight goal this year. I've lost 100 - I can do 20 more!
I'm coming up on my one year anniversary of becoming a Stella & Dot stylist. With that in mind, I created a goal that will help me continue to grow my business. This also ties in to my blog and a blog goal stemmed from that as well.
Every couple of months I do a check-in post on my goals and update my progress. This helps keep me accountable. Otherwise we get to December 31 and I don't have any accountability for what I did or didn't do.
And that's how I do goals! How do you set your intentions for the year?

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