Hello All! I know this post usually goes up on Monday, but I have a great reason for not posting. Mr. Fisher and I flew out to Rhode Island for the weekend to surprise my mama for her birthday. And it worked! She was so surprised. I had to basically disengage from social media though regarding anything related to the weekend so she wouldn't be suspicious.
And that's why y'all get Life Lately on Wednesday.
Happy Birthday Mama!
I was initially nervous about the weekend. I spent Monday and Tuesday on the couch. I felt pretty wretched. By Wednesday though, the meds were kicking in and I was starting to feel better. I rarely completely crash out when I am home sick. Usually I'll do a couple of things around the house, maybe handle some emails. However this time, I completely unplugged and just rested. I needed it.
Tuesday night I was starting to feel better so I cooked up something for dinner and it was so delicious, I was excited to have leftovers for lunch the next few days. And the bonus? On the new Weight watchers Freestyle it's only 2 points! And super easy. Here's what I did.
Cooked the frozen shrimp most of the way, added cauliflower rice, a little chicken stock, and frozen veggies. I cooked off some of the water and then added stir fry sauce. I let it simmer a bit and then dished it up. For real, it was that easy.
He looks so stressed out, doesn't he? Jack is not usually a cuddler, but I think he knew I wasn't feeling well because he joined me on the couch several times.
And then it was back to work! I love a pretty blouse and in winter, I tend towards pants over skirts and dresses since I never know if my office is going to be hot or cold.
I say that and then I wore this outfit the next day #insertshouldershrug
And then Friday, I needed to dress for travel because we were flying out to Rhode Island!
Y'all for real. My family had been planning this surprise for a YEAR. And we pulled it off!
Currently reading and it is GOOD.
We arrived at my sister's house super late Friday night, well it was so late I guess technically Saturday morning. So the first order of business on Saturday was a top at Dunkin Donuts. My Texan born husband runs on Dunkin Hazelnut Swirl coffee.
And then we took this little miss to dance class. She takes dance lessons at the same studio I did, once upon a time and it was fun to walk the halls of Cheryl's School of Dance again. She got such a kick out of Auntie taking her to class.
Just chilling on the couch. We had already surprised my mom by this point and were back at my sister's for dinner and the Patriots game.
On Sunday, we went for breakfast and then drove out to Wright's Dairy Farm to pick up the cake for mom's birthday dinner that night.
If you ever find yourself in Rhode Island, make your way to Wright's. They have the BEST baked goods. Mr. Fisher loved the carrot cake.
I snagged a Russian tea cake for myself. Oh it was so good.
Time to celebrate Grammy!
Another great Rhode Island recommendation - The Boat House was excellent. If you ever find yourself there, do yourself a favor and order the lobster fritters. You will not be disappointed.
And then we were headed home! It was a fast 48 hours in the Ocean State, but so so worth it. My Getaway bag was the perfect bag for a quick weekend away. It fit everything I needed.
And we had a stowaway! Flat Stanley came back to Texas with us for a bit.
And wow, a blast from the past. Ashlee Simpson singing Pieces of Me. I caught this as I was flipping through the channels on the tv on the plane (love JetBlue).
We came home with a souvenir. I cannot even describe how delicious these biscuits are, but I'll try.
They're hard biscuits, kind of buttery with lots of pepper and spices. It would be easy to eat the whole bag. This is something we grew up eating in my family and I try to grab a bag or two any time I'm home.
Any local things you HAVE to get when you go home to visit? Or something that you tell non-locals they HAVE to try?
And that was our trip! And our week! I'll see you back here in Friday for Favorites.

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