Hi friends! Monday seems to have rolled around again. Why does the weekend go so fast? Here's a peek into what we did last week.
This one loves a mirror. When I'm working in the office or working out in here, she'll park herself in front of the mirror.
We are back to meal planning and we started the week with one of our favorite Cooking Light recipes - one skillet jambalaya. We love this one because not only is it tasty, but the leftovers are just as delicious.
Tuesday was my last day off and I had some errands to run so casual and comfy was the order of the day. I love this gray top. It is cozy and fleecy and perfect for winter. It's not heavy but you still feel all cozy wearing it. It comes in tons of colors too!
First day back to work was Wednesday and I started the day with barre.
sweater | pants | shoes | similar scarf | arabesque earrings
It was chilly last week (for Texas any way) and pants, sweater, and scarf were a good way to ward off the chill. My office temp is all over the place. Sometimes it's chilly, sometimes it's warm, this was a good compromise. I also knew I was going to be running all around the building I work in on the first day back, so flats were necessary!
Y'all. The spring line from Stella & Dot launched on Friday. My stars. I wanted to order it all! So pretty. I love the new camo pieces. The new tops are gorgeous. I'm going to do a more in depth post tomorrow but these are some of my favorite things.
necklace | jeans | similar jacket | watch | shoes
Friday is spirit day in the office. I try to dress up the t-shirt as best I can. I never know when I'm going to be meeting with a student or a parent.
Saturday morning I finally made it back to Weight Watchers after two weeks away. It felt good to be back in my meeting. It's a time to reflect, recharge, and start the week off on the right foot!
After a Saturday spent running all the errands, we punted on dinner and had an impromptu date night at Olive Garden. It's not my favorite, but after three years of asking to go, I finally gave Mr. Fisher the okay, ha!
I hope your January is off to a fantastic start!

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