28 March 2018

What's Up Wednesday

I know y'all, it's been awhile, but to be honest I was in a dark place after we had to relinquish Georgia back to the rescue and I needed to step away for a bit and clear the decks.  It was good to have some down time.  

I thought that What's Up Wednesday would be a good place to start back at it and give you all a glimpse into what we've been up to around here.

What We're Eating This Week

I have been out of town since Sunday so the meals for the rest of this week are a mishmash...
Wednesday: Salad with rotisserie chicken
Thursday: Probably fish and cauliflower or salad again depending on how late we both work
Friday: Mr. Fisher's family from San Antonio are in town for Easter and they're coming for dinner.  We will probably cook out and do fajitas, chips, and salsa, Mexican corn, and tres leches cake

What I'm Reminiscing About

We are less than 2 months away from our family trip to Orlando and I cannot wait!  We were there in 2015 for an epic Disney vacation.  This trip will be a little more low key, only one day at Disney, one day at Universal, and the rest is down time.  We may even make the hour drive to have a beach day!  Mr. Fisher and I are counting the days (59 to be exact).

What I'm Loving

Have you seen the new Stella & Dot releases?  Swooning! I snagged these Effie drops and I just love them.  I love the wood beads with the blush threading.  So so pretty.

    This gorgeous coral tee:

It's going to be gorgeous with white jeans and wedges as the weather warms up here in Texas.

The all new Vacay Bag!  Larger than our popular Getaway bag, this one will fit all of your vacation necessities!

What We've Been Up To 

 I had a work trip to Salt Lake City and I immediately fell in LOVE with the city.  I would go back again in a heartbeat!

  We started working on the landscaping in our front and back yard and made some decisions.  We also planted some basil and some tomatoes.  We'll see how they do.  I have a black thumb, so hopefully Mr. Fisher can keep the greenery alive!

This one has been having some issues.  The vet think it's stress related and the stress has exacerbated her skin issues (she's always had dry skin).  The stress manifested itself in a bare spot on her back and she was aggressively chewing on her legs and paws.

The vet gave her an antibiotic and we've got her on a daily allergy pill and switched her to a grain free diet.  She's looking and acting more like her usual self.  As I type she's crashed out on the floor next to me in my office.

We saw Loyola Chicago beat Tennessee!  The first and second rounds were in Dallas and we had tickets to the second round.  What. A. Game.  We had a blast and Loyola won!!!  #jesuitforlife

What I'm Dreading 

The next two months until we go on vacation! Y'all, I cannot wait.  This is the one week of the year when I completely unplug from the office and I am sooo looking forward to it.

What I'm Working On


Getting back into running

Focusing on my nutrition

Trying new, WW friendly recipes like this chicken alfredo casserole.

Getting my workouts in, even when traveling for work!

What I'm Excited About

Umm, Florida!  Also, we have tickets to The Popcast Live in May and I cannot wait!!!  Also, my friend Amy and I have tickets to the Pink concert on May 1 and oh it is going to be so good!  My Mama comes to visit in June...so much going on!  And it's all good.

What I'm Watching/Reading

I've read some good things lately

I finished The Broken Girls and As Bright As Heaven, both of which I LOVED!  The Broken Girls is a thriller and one you won't put down.  As Bright As Heaven is historical fiction and led me to pick up:
   It's fascinating.  It's about the 1918 Spanish influenza pandemic and it is riveting (at least I think so).
I belong to Book of the Month and when I finish any books I've read for the month, I mail them off to my Grandma.  She is an avid reader and I like making sure she has a constant supply.  She's 84 and perfectly healthy and mentally sharp and I want to keep her that way as long as possible, so I send her books.
What I'm Listening To
A lot of podcasts and the Billy Joel Pandora station!
 I'll have a Podcast roundup in Friday Favorites this week including favorite episodes to get you started.  Current faves in rotation include:  The Popcast, The Lazy Genius, Arc Stories, and FoodStuff.
What I'm Wearing
What I'm Doing This Weekend
It's Easter!  So I'll be heading to Mass on Sunday morning.  We're having Easter dinner at Mr. Fisher's parents' house and I plan on wearing this cute dress from Loft:

What I'm Looking Forward to Next Month
It's Mr. Fisher's birthday and we have plans to have dinner at one of our favorites, Truluck's. 
Also...more Spring weather, two 5K runs, and more work on our garden/landscaping.
 What Else Is New
Not much!
Bonus Question: What is your favorite Easter tradition? 
Rice Pie!  I am making it to bring to dinner on Sunday.  It is so nostalgic for me!
What are your favorite Easter traditions?  

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