06 June 2018

Florida Vacation - part two

In case you missed it, I covered our first few days of vacation yesterday.  It covers Saturday - Wednesday.

Thursday was Disney Day!  This was mainly a relaxing by the pool kind of vacation, but we knew we wanted to do one day at Disney and we picked the Magic Kingdom.

There is just something about that Disney Magic!

We started at the Mad Hatter's Tea Party and Auntie, Grammy, and little miss rode the tea cups (her favorite).  We spin fast!  After that we split up and some of us hit up Big Thunder Mountain Railroad and Splash Mountain.  The others wandered over to meet Alice and ride the Carousel and see the Carousel of Progress (Papa's favorite).

We met up again and while my sister and Jake waited in line for Space Mountain, the rest of us rode the People Mover.  Another favorite for this girl.  While riding, Mr. Fisher asked her if she wanted to get her face painted.  Of course.

She wanted pink and glitter!

After face painting we headed toward Main Street for the show and then the rain started.  Boo.  We opted to hit the gift shops and confectionary instead of standing in the rain.  Mr. Fisher groaned at my new addition to the coffee mug collection (he thinks I have too many - can you ever have too many).

It cleared up enough for the parade to come through - yay!  Little miss LOVES a parade.

After the parade, she and I got matching ears and then headed to the tea cups for one more spin!

Waiting for the ride to start...

After a few more rides, we called it a day and headed back to the hotel where we ordered in pizza and crashed hard!

Friday was another pool day!  I LOVE J. Crew swimsuits.  They fit well and are made well.  They last, they flatter, and I am not constantly pulling down on them.  They are well worth the investment in my opinion.

So relaxing!

Living that vacation life!

Friday night was date night with Mr. Fisher.  My niece said this dress was like a sunset and I agree!  It was so comfy and easy to wear and perfect for a vacation date night.  Loft really has great dresses.  And the Gita Tassels?  Don't they just scream SUMMER?  

We had reservations at A Land Remembered.  Mr. Fisher discovered it on Yelp and it was a GREAT find.  

Such a gorgeous restaurant.  The service was great!

How can you not love a restaurant where the butter is shaped like alligators?

Mr. Fisher had a steak, I had the lobster (so good), we split a Caesar salad and a baked potato and that left a little room for dessert!  Complimentary because you know who was turning 41 the next day.  Dessert was delicious!  Clockwise from the top left - Creme Brulees, Banana Cream, Chocolate Mousse, Cheesecake, Key Lime Pie.

Saturday was our last full day and we spent it at the pool!  Y'all.  I read the whole book in one day.  I wasn't a fan of The Woman in Cabin 10, but I thought The Lying Game was better and after Triangle I was looking for something I could breeze through easily.

Not a bad way to spend your 41st birthday.

jumpsuit (similar) | earrings | sandals

For our last night we headed to Disney Springs for dinner. It was going to be hot, so I wanted something easy, breezy, comfy, and a little dressy.

I love this bracelet!  So fun and easy to wear and the bronze/rose gold is right up my alley.

A tea cup you can take your picture in!  We headed to Enzo's Hideaway for dinner.  It was delicious.

The best dinner date #besthusbandever

He had the chicken parmesan, I had the spaghetti tre formaggi and we both loved our choices.  I tasted his parmesan and it was excellent.  He skipped tasting mine because mushrooms.

We wandered around Disney Springs and grabbed ice cream before calling it a night!  We were sad to see the trip come to a close.  We said goodbyes that night as Mr. Fisher and I were heading out at 5:30am to catch our flight.

I got some great plane reading in.  I made it through 3/4 of Of Mess and Moxie and it is a delight!  I love Jen Hatmaker's voice and her stories.  She is  great storyteller.

And that brings our vacation adventure to a close!  If you get the chance to stay at the JW Marriott/Ritz-Carlton Grande Lakes - do it!  You will not be disappointed.  Mr. Fisher and I are already scheming on when we can go back.

Let me know if you have any questions about the trip or where we stayed.  I'll be back on Friday with some summer favorites!

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