This has felt like an epic week, right?
After three weekends with something planned, we have a weekend with NOTHING on the books and I am so excited to have the down time with Mr. Fisher and Henry. Speaking of Henry...he is almost 16 months old.
Where has the time gone? He is starting to have his own little opinions and preferences on things. I thought for this week I would round up some of his favorites and share them with you.
He has been very into puzzles lately. He's getting good at figuring out where the pieces go. And he loves the feeling of accomplishment when he gets it right!
Henry LOVES this book. Loves it. He loves swaying to the music and looking at his favorite characters from Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood.
This is a recent favorite. He loves that the back pops off and he can store the pieces inside. What can I say, he's definitely my kid! But he also likes working on putting the pegs in the holes.
I recently rotated out the books we keep in the living room. This one was in the new set. Henry loves the holes! I think he was missing the books he was used to, but then he discovered the holes the caterpillar ate and now this is one he reaches for often.
Henry got this for his birthday and he loves it. He is getting much better at scooting around on it. He rides it in circles around the island in the kitchen!
This kid as always loved a cozy blanket and the one we have on our couch is no exception. He just loves to snuggle up with it. Truth be told, he loves anything cozy and soft. This blanket is great and at an amazing price point too (under $20)
I hope you have a great weekend - it's supposed to be gorgeous here this weekend so I'm hoping for some outside time enjoying the sunshine!

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