07 October 2008

Weekend in New England

I am so excited. I leave for Vermont on Sunday. Yes, it's for a conference, but I have not seen a great New England Autumn in so long. I can't wait to see the trees. Their leaves this time of year are glorious colors. I can also take some of my sweaters out from the back of my closet. I get to wear them occasionally in the winter (and I definitely get to wear them more here in North Carolina than I ever did in Louisiana) so it is nice that they will be getting some use. As for the conference, it's in Burlington and is being hosted by UVM. We will cover the broad and exciting subject of Legal Issues in Higher Education. Okay, so there is a hint of sarcasm in that, but I do find the topic fascinating, despite the fact that some of the regs are about as exciting as watching paint dry. So I'm sure to come back with some bee-yoo-tee-full pictures if I only remember to buy a new battery for the camera.

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