05 March 2010

Show Us Your Life: Typical Day

Kelly's theme this week is your typical day. I don't know that I actually have a typical day. Some days are more like others, and then some aren't. Monday through Friday my alarm goes off at 6am. I may hit snooze once or twice, but once I get up my morning routine is the same: pack lunch, shower, eat breakfast, dress, brush teeth, do make up, and head out the door by 7:40am. The drive to work is about 15-20 minutes depending on traffic. Some days I wish it was a little longer because I love listening to my ipod in the car and singing along. Loudly, I might add. Work starts at 8am. What I do at work on any given day varies, sometimes I have meetings, sometimes I see advisees, sometimes I am entering data into the system. Currently I am working on academic calendar audits and prepping for Fall registration. I bring my lunch, so it's usually a quick lunch at my desk. The afternoons are a similar version of the morning. On Monday and Wednesday I leave at 3 to go to class. The other days I leave work anywhere between 5 and 6. I'm usually home a half hour after that. If it's not too late I try to get a work out in. Then it's time for dinner, shower, pajamas, and time spent on the couch or at the computer. Sometimes I do homework, although most homework gets done over the weekend. Depending on what night it is, I'll watch some tv before heading to bed sometime around ten. It's usually about this time that D calls and we talk for an hour or so. I like to be asleep by 11. The alarm goes off again at 6am the next day (unless the next day is Saturday, then it goes off at 7am). That my friends is a day in the life.

Show Us Your Life with Kelly's Korner


Anonymous said...
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HubbleSpacePaws said...

Amazing how "routine" we become. Somehow I thought my life would be more interesting. LOL! Ah, maybe when I retire!

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