13 July 2010

Deep in the Heart of Texas

I've been here in Texas a little over 4 weeks now and there are moments when I can scarcely believe that I'm here. I have a half hour commute to work every day and there are times when I am on the highway when I think to myself, "am I really here? is this really my life now?" Not that I am complaining - I am loving my life in Texas. The heat, no so much. Everything else is good. It helped that I moved to an area where I already have friends. I love being able to spend more time with D. My job is good and is keeping me busy.

I've settled into a new routine which is helping me with my weight loss goals. I've lost 10 pounds since I moved here! Starting work at 9 means I have plenty of time to get to the gym in the morning. I alternate between cardio/weights and swimming laps. I also go to AquaFit class every Saturday morning. I've been making it to the gym 4 or 5 times a week. It helps that my body hasn't really adjusted to Central time, so getting up at 5:30am to go to the gym before work is easy. I also don't get home from work until close to 7pm, so by the time I am settled and sitting down to dinner, it's 7:30/8:00. And then I'm done eating for the night since I'm in bed by 10. So no late night snacking or anything like that.

Jack and Kate love the new apartment. Kate is especially a fan of the sliding glass doors in the living room. She sneaks between the blinds and watched the cars whiz by on the highway outside.

I also want to take a second to remind you all about the fundraiser over at the Itty Bitty Kitty Committee - they're a little more than halfway to their goal and the money is going to some great programs at the shelter. Programs for fosters as well as senior cats. Last year they raised enough money to build a quarantine room. Every little bit helps. Click here if you'd like to help out and donate.

1 comment :

Sarah said...

I'm so glad you are enjoying Texas! Except for the heat, which I can totally understand. It has been hot in NC recently too. I really want to come visit you sometime soon! I do miss you a lot! Wedding planning is going well. I can't believe its 4 months away! I'll be sending an invite your way in the near future. <3

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