03 October 2012

I'm late - by three days

Since I started this blog oh so many years ago I have participated in the 31-for-21 blog-a-thon.  October is National Down Syndrome Awareness Month (Down Syndrome = Trisomy 21).  One of the very first blogs I tuned into before I started my own was Michelle's Big Blueberry Eyes, which is about her daughter Kayla.  Kayla has Trisomy 21 and in support of Michelle and Kayla I've participated in the blog-a-thon.

I'm late this year because I just couldn't get my act together in time.  The new job, the new commute, my new life patter has resulted in less time on the computer in my down time.  I'm not complaining about this, I just have not been a regular blog poster since I moved back to Rhode Island at the end of July.  I'm determined though so for the next 4 weeks look for more recipes, random thoughts, useless trivia, and who knows what else...plus my annual Halloween post featuring Tim Curry and the Worst Witch.

Stay tuned and join me for 31-for-21. 

1 comment :

Michelle said...

I don't know if you know how much I appreciate that you do this every year, but I do. Thank you.

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