29 October 2013

It is a Truth Universally Acknowledged...

And so begins one of the greatest novels of all time (and my personal favorite).  First of all, thank you Mrs. Williams for requiring us to read Pride & Prejudice.  I have re-read it many times in the intervening years and it is still my favorite novel of all time.  My all time favorite adaptation is the 1995 BBC version with Jennifer Ehle and Colin Firth.  Swoon.  I choose to forget the Keira Knightley version exists.  No offense to Ms. Knightley, but I feel she was horribly miscast as Elizabeth.  Rosamund Pike as Jane was perfect casting, but they missed the mark with Lizzie.  Anyhow, my second favorite adaptation is the Emmy award winning Lizzie Bennet Diaries.  Have you discovered this yet?  You haven't?  Take a peek at episode 1.

And it only gets better!  Amazing cast, funny, smart, and it moves quickly.  You will not be disappointed.  I promise.  So, go watch all 100 episodes, right now.  Then come back.  Seriously, I'll wait.  

Are you back?  Did you love it?  I told you so!  Now since you loved LBD, I'm going to let you in on a secret.  The amazing people who brought you The Lizzie Bennet Diaries have started on Emma.  Welcome to Emma Approved:


And bonus?  They tell you where to find all of Emma's amazing clothes.  So if you're an Austen fan, then please, do yourself a favor and check out The Lizzie Bennet Diaries and Emma Approved.  LBD is finished - 100 episodes is all you get.  Emma just got started though and new episodes are released every Monday and Thursday at noon.

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