27 June 2016

Life Lately

Y'all.  Next weekend is July 4th weekend!  Can I get a woohoo #andanamen.

Phillip and I don't have much planned other than to catch the fireworks over Lake Carolyn.  I'm thinking maybe Shay's oven baked tacos and cauliflower rice and maybe some sweet potates.  Since it's a holiday, we might indulge in dessert.  Last year I made individual skillet brownies in these super cute mini skillets.   That was my choice, maybe I'll let Phillip pick the dessert this year. #maybe #doubtful

So what have we been up to lately?  Take a peek...

 dress (on sale!) | bracelets | shoes (similar)

I am off on Fridays in the summer and last Friday I got to hang out with Billie-Jo over some Dunkin Donuts iced coffee and then Phillip and I went out to dinner that night.  Date night ensemble included this super cute embroidered dress from J Crew Factory, an assortment of colored bracelets from Accessory Concierge, and sandals by Target.  It was a cute, breezy outfit to be out and about.  
**fit tip - I would size down one in the dress from your regular j.crew size**

Sunday evening prior to Game of Thrones, Phillip was trying to knock out some work and I am 3/4 of the way through Dead Wake.  I curled up on the chair in the office while he worked and got through a few chapters, enjoying a glass of wine in the process.

Just in case you all were wondering what I made for Father's Day dessert - banana pudding.  I found the recipe via Pinterest and it is a crowd pleaser.   

This one, I swear.  She cracks me up.  She sits at the chair at the kitchen counter and just waits for a snack.  At night while we're watching tv or reading on the couch, she has taken to curling up in this empty box.  It's her little hidey-cave and part of me wants to pitch the box but part of me would feel bad because it is her favorite thing right now. #petownerproblems #firstworldcatproblems

Old Navy fail.  They were having a great sale on active wear and I needed a couple of pairs of new pants for working out.  I loved the blue print on these.  I took them out Thursday to put them on and discovered the salesgirl missed a sensor.   #grrrr  I had to go back and ask them to take it off.  Which meant I had to walk through the door and have the detector go off #personalfearofmine #childhoodtraumaticexperience

 It was off to Austin for a meeting and I packed my handy dandy Barrington tote and my overnight bag.  Got to the hotel and...did work all night #boo The meeting was great though and we got out early enough that I didn't have to fight the traffic home.

Since Easter this one has been wanting time with me.  She actually wanted a sleepover, but Auntie Nichole and Uncle Phillip's place isn't the best for sleeping over, so I promised her a day out with me.  Just her and me and she had a blast.  We went for mani/pedis and then hit the bookstore.  She got to pick the lunch place - Chik-fil-A of course #becausesix and then we saw Finding Dory.  #thanksforthetearspixar

And then, and then it was baseball night!  I have been looking forward to this since the schedule was announced.  Oh I love my Red Sox.  However, as you can see by my face they weren't playing all that well.  Top of the 9th it was 7-4, Rangers and Phillip was in my ear about the Rangers winning.  But my beloved Sox did not let me down and they pulled out 4 runs in the top of the 9th to make it 8-7.  Uehara came in and closed out the 9th for a Red Sox win.  #yeahRedSoxNation

My goal this week is to make it through the next four days to get to my 5 day mini-vacation.  No plans to go anywhere, but it will be nice to have 5 days of downtime.

Have a great week all and don't forget to check out my giveaway, there's still time to enter. 



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