12 August 2016

Friday Favorites

Whew.  We made it through another week!  Raise a glass my friends - the weekend is here.  As promised, this Friday I am going to share my favorite books, movies, and tv shows of the summer.
Let's start with books...
I apologize for the grainy picture, but please pick up The Royal We.  Cute, charming, funny, and witty, Heather and Jessica tell a sweet story of an American caught up in a royal romance.  Imagine Will and Kate if Kate were an American.  This is a fun, beachy read and it will not disappoint.

Another book I read and LOVED was Nora Roberts' The Obsession.  If you read The Witness, you'll love The Obsession.  I could not put it down.  Between the flight home last Friday and then on Monday, I finished this one.  Page. Turner.

And I took a Spanish Class, so I also read 5 chapters of Puntos de Partida.


I saw The Secret Life of Pets twice this summer and I cannot recommend it enough.  Cute for kids with lots of humor, there were several things I caught the second time around that I missed the first time.  

I never saw Finding Nemo (i know, I know) but I had the chance to see Finding Dory this summer and it was a cute, fun movie.  Pixar did a great job with this and I wanted to run out and find a baby Dory to keep at home.  Ack, the cuteness! 

We saw Star Trek Beyond a couple of weeks ago and it was really good.  If I had to rank it among the three of the Star Trek reboots, I'd rank it third but that doesn't mean it wasn't a great movie.  Super sharp writing, lots of nods to prior iterations of the franchise, great cast - it was a fun summer blockbuster.

We started off summer blockbuster season with Captain America and I think it was my favorite Marvel movie to date.  Excellent story, excellent script, and they introduced the new characters beautifully.  If you are a Marvel/superhero fan and haven't seen this one yet, you need to.

People gave Ben Affleck a lot of grief for his role as Batman, but I thought he did a really good job.  Henry Cavill as Superman is not my cup of tea, he's very meh.  The scene stealer in this whole movie though is Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman.  Holy Cow.  So badass.  If you're on the fence about watching this one, see it just for her.


We love The Great British Bake Off.  Oh my goodness, fun and light and you really start to root for the contestants.  Now, y'all know I love to bake and I am completely in awe of these home chefs.  They are so good and creative and I wish I was a judge so I could try all of the baked goodness on this show.

Stranger Things is so good.  The set and the music take you right into the 80s.  There were so many things that took me back to my childhood, like the ballet shoes necklace that Nancy wears.  Yup, I had one of those.  Didn't we all?  The story is freaky and scary and keeps you on your toes.  I also cannot say enough about the child actors in this show.  They are phenomenal.  It's like Stephen King meets the X-Files.  Watch it!

And last, but not least, we have been glued to this for the last week.  Every night we watch the Olympics.  We are Olympic junkies.  I can't help myself, although I have to admit that NBC's coverage leaves a lot to be desired.  I will still watch the Olympics as much as I can.

What have been some of your favorites this summer?


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