31 August 2016

What's Up Wednesday

Can y'all believe tomorrow is September 1 already?  This year is just flying by, I can't even believe it.  And we are 424 days away from the wedding.  Eek!  Oh, and less than three weeks away from vacation!!!  #disneyherewecome

What We're Eating This Week - I've mentioned before that Phillip and I are meal planners.  We sit down before we go to the market and plan out what we are going to have for dinners for the week.  On the menu this week?  Quesadillas Sunday night (he's cooking); for Meatless Monday we're having zucchini and black bean burritos courtesy of Cooking Light; Tuesday we're having pork with cauliflower rice and broccoli; Wednesday it's grilled chicken and sweet potatoes; Thursday is tilapia and cauliflower; and Friday is always Turkey Burger night.  This week I've had a request for barbecue turkey burgers.  

The roasted broccoli and cauliflower rice are staples on our dinner table.  We eat them all the time.  We basically prepare all of our roasted vegetables the same way - a little drizzle of olive oil, some garlic salt, and fresh ground pepper.  #sodelicious #healthyeating

We're really trying to focus on our eating because we know we're going to go off track a bit when we're in Disney.

What I'm Reminiscing About - We started planning this Disney trip when little miss was a baby.  We've been planning for 4 years and now it's less than 3 weeks away.  I've been reminiscing a bit about when she was just a baby and we started making these plans for a family trip to Disney.  Auntie Nichole is super excited to be with her on her first trip to Disney World.

What I'm Loving - Barre Class.  Have I mentioned lately how much I am enjoying Barre?  I did a whole post last Friday about my obsession.  It also gave me a chance to share some of my favorite workout gear with you all.

                             Zella Live In Leggings                         Zella Energy Bra

What We've Been Up To - Date nights have been fun lately.  This past Saturday we ate at Kona Grill.  It's one of my Dallas favorites because they have a great sushi menu and a great everything else menu and since Phillip does not like sushi at all, we both win.

dress (similar) | sunglasses (similar) | necklace | watch | earrings

Work has been crazy busy for both of us right now, so when we're not working, we're working.  Our goal is to leave for vacation and leave it all behind.  I've already warned my boss and my staff that I will be turning off the work email for the week.  Other than work, we spent a lot of August watching the Olympics!  

It's over now, and we just need to wait two more years until the next Winter Olympics rolls around.  I also got to fly home for a quick weekend for my cousin Miche's wedding.  It was great to wake this little miss up on Saturday morning.  She was super excited to see Auntie Nichole.
What I'm Dreading The next 2.5 weeks!  We are so excited about this upcoming Disney trip.  I'm going to beg your forgiveness now because that's pretty much all I'm going to be talking about the next two weeks.  Lots to do in the next couple of weeks, but I'm hoping it goes by fast!!!

What I'm Working On My nutrition, staying hydrated, and focusing on my workouts.  The start of the school year is crazy chaotic and I can be a bit of a stress eater, and with 20 pounds still to go before I'm at goal, I need to be mindful, especially this time of year.  For more on my weight loss see Monday's post.

What I'm Excited About - Disney!  Disney!  Disney!  A little bit about our trip which I promise to fully recap when I get back.  We're staying at the Boardwalk Villas and have several character meals planned and one day during the week, Grammy and Papa are going to keep the little miss and Louie, Katie, Missy, Phillip, and I are going to head to Universal Studios for some Harry Potter fun and adventure.
What I'm Watching/Reading - I'm currently reading The Royal We by Heather Cocks and Jessica Morgan and The Good Girl by Mary Kubica.  Both are great.  The Good Girl reminds me of The Girl on the Train.  Definitely a pageturner.  

What I'm Listening To - With football season starting, I've been back on sports radio, but I also am addicted to true crime podcasts.  I can't get enough of them.  I've always been interested in true crime, so these podcasts are right up my alley.  If you're a true crime fan check them out:

Criminal - www.thisiscriminal.com
My Favorite Murder - @myfavemurder on twitter
The Last Podcast on the Left

Criminal is very straightforward, almost a storytelling vibe and the host - Phoebe Judge - tells a great story.
MFM is technically classified as a comedy.  Hosted by Georgia Hardstark and Karen Kilgariff it's more like having a conversation over drinks with your girlfriends who also happen to like true crime.
The Last Podcast on the Left is almost as if you crossed Criminal with Adult Swim.  It's slightly irreverent but incredibly well researched. 

What I'm Wearing - a little of this, a little of that, some fun outfits from the last month:

 top (similar) | jeans | shoes | necklace | earrings (similar) | watch

 dress (similar) | necklace | watch

 dress | watch | shoes (similar) | necklace
What I'm Doing This Weekend - We have a couple of errands to run this weekend to prepare for the trip and it's the long Labor Day weekend too!  Yay for Monday off.  I've signed up for a couple of barre classes, we'll probably go for a run, and we're still undecided about where to go for date night this weekend.

What I'm Looking Forward to Next Month - Um, Disney???  I can't even you guys.  Also, I have a new staff member starting and I am excited to be able to shift some daily tasks to her so I can focus on some other things.  I have a feeling September is going to be a great month.

What Else is New - I found my outfit for our engagement photos and I'm hoping to have those scheduled shortly.  We're looking at some time in October.  All the Fall Scents are here!  I've been burning Cinnamon Sugar Donut in the living room and it is heavenly.

Favorite Transition Piece for Fall -  This shirt from the Nordstrom Anniversary sale!

I opted for the red plaid version and it's ironed and ready to go...maybe this weekend for date night.

What have you been up to lately?  



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