28 September 2016

What's Up Wednesday

Y'all.  It's almost October #fallishere #buyallthepumpkinthings #scarvesandboots

I can't wait to break out my boots and sweaters and scarves.  Fall is seriously my favorite time of year (which is why we're getting married next October).

Saturday is October First, ushering in my favorite month of the year.  That means today is the last Wednesday of the month and I'm linking up with ShaySheaffer, and Mel for What's Up Wednesday.

What We're Eating This Week - We just got back from vacation where we ate such delicious meals.  

There were fried pickle chips

And this tasty platter of fish and chips

Um, did I mention the stuffed French toast?  #sotasty

And there were many beverages consumed.  So this week we're focusing on eating healthy again.  This is what a typical week looks like:

Monday - Meatless Monday; this week it was veggie burgers.  We totally punted on this one.  Usually we'll make a super tasty Cooking Light recipe like zucchini burritos or veggie burrito bowls, but we were still wiped out after vacation.
Tuesday - We had fish and roasted cauliflower
Wednesday - Tonight it's pork tenderloin with cauliflower rice and roasted broccoli
Thursday - On the menu is grilled chicken and some type of vegetable
Friday - Turkey Burger Friday.  This week we're opting for Shay's Caprese Burgers.
Saturday - We're at the Rangers game that night so we'll see.

What I'm Reminiscing About - Totally reminiscing about the best vacation ever.  Last week in Disney with the family was just such a spectacular week. Every part of it.  We can't wait to go back.  It'll be a few years until we get back again.  Next on our docket is Hawaii for our honeymoon and maybe a long weekend in New Orleans.

What I'm Loving - It's football season y'all!

Welcome back college football, we missed you.  My Buckeyes are starting strong, especially that win over Oklahoma.  Let me tell you, I am all in for an upset - that Auburn/LSU game?  War Eagle!  I was all for an Auburn victory.  As long as it's not my team, I will cheer for the lower ranked team all day every day.

What We've Been Up To - It's basically been all trip prep, vacationing, and catching up from being away.  At the moment we're trying to recover and set some plans in motion for the Fall/Winter.  We're looking for a house to rent after our apartment lease is up and we're getting close to having to notify our apartment complex.  We're in that weird place where it's too early to actually rent a place, but we want to keep an eye out.
What I'm Dreading -  Moving!  Ugh, didn't we just do this?  Whatever rent house we end up in, I hope we stay there until we're ready to buy a place.

What I'm Working On  Some things.  I know, that's so vague.  I've been accepted to a graduate certificate program in Enrollment Management and I start that at the end of October.  It's a year long program and it will be a nice little credential to add to my lineup.

What I'm Excited About - This show:

How good does that look?  It's like Downton Abbey meets The Queen.  I am all in for this show.

What I'm Watching/Reading - I tuned in to the first episode of This Is Us on NBC and I LOVED IT.  If you liked Parenthood you'll love this show.  Watch it!

I just finished The Royal We and oh how charming and delightful.  I just loved it from start to finish.  It's a fun summer read.  Now I'm on to Devonshire Scream by Laura Childs.

What I'm Listening To - I've found a new podcast that I am loving, it's called The Nutrition Diva.  It's a once a week podcast and they're less than 15 minutes, so it's a quick one.  She has the most soothing voice.  I could listen to her read the phone book.  You should check it out.

What I'm Wearing 

top (similar)

What I'm Doing This Weekend - The Rangers have clinched a playoff spot and we have tickets to their last homestand of the regular season.  The weather forecast is showing that it's going to be a gorgeous night for the game.

What I'm Looking Forward to Next Month - Fall!  Thanksgiving!  Pumpkin Spice Lattes!  Scarves, boots, leaves!  Everything about the next few months.  We're also having our engagement photos done at the end of the month and I'm looking forward to that.

What Else is New - I'm typing this post from Phillip's laptop as mine is currently unable to identify the hard disk #gulp.  I have an appointment at the Apple Store on Sunday.  Fingers crossed they can fix it.  I really don't need to have to buy a laptop right now.

Favorite Recipe -  At the moment, my favorite Fall recipe is this cake from Shay (aka Mix and Match Mama.  It's warm, gooey, spicy, and delicious.  My plan is to make it for Thanksgiving this year to bring to Phillip's parents house for dinner.

That's all from our little neck of the woods.  We're still trying to recover from vacation!

What have you been up to lately?  



Unknown said...

I love that flannel shirt!

Nichole Fisher said...

It's definitely going into rotation this weekend! It's my new favorite top.

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