27 February 2018

Exciting News!

Y'all.  Meet Georgia.

She is the newest addition to our little family and we are so in love.  She is just a sweetie!.

I had been perusing Petfinder.  I have been wanting a dog for awhile and came across Georgia and her brothers.  I was initially interested in her brother, but he was already spoken for.  This sweetheart was still available though.

She is definitely a puppy.  She is 3 months old and she plays hard and she crashes hard.  Sunday was a little rough - we got her later in the day so her schedule was off.  We got on track today and she was doing so well in her crate when I popped home for lunch to let her outside and to let her run around for a bit.

Georgia loves to snuggle and she crashed out on the couch with me for a bit on Sunday.  After having two cats who are no where near being lap cats, this is heavenly.  Speaking of the cats...Jack is getting nosy.  I think she realizes she's staying.  Kate has been playing hide and seek.  She's nosy though, so I think she'll come around soon enough.  

She's a Pointer/Terrier mix and she has the most gorgeous eyes.  I can't wait to see how her little personality unfolds.  Right now she's still in that goofy puppy stage, but she's super smart.  Welcome to our family, sweet girl!

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