28 February 2018

What's Up Wednesday

Y'all.  February just flew by, didn't it?  How is tomorrow March 1 already???  With tomorrow flipping over to March, that means it's time for What's Up Wednesday!  Here's a look into what we've been up to this month!

What We've Been Eating

Nothing terribly exciting lately, y'all.  Miss Georgia has kind of altered our plans a bit.  

Monday - Zoodles with turkey meatballs and sauce
Tuesday - Fish and Brussels sprouts
Wednesday - Salad 
Thursday - Grilled Chicken and Cauliflower
Friday - Turkey Burgers
Saturday - Date Night (somewhere in Southlake, not sure where yet)
Sunday -  grilling out

What I'm Reminiscing About

In March of 2015, Phillip and I went on our first trip together to Fredericksburg for the weekend.  We spent that Saturday morning hiking at Enchanted Rock.  It was such a fun weekend away.  I'd love to go back and do it again!

What I'm Loving


So in love with this sweet girl. I wrote a post on Georgia's adoption on Tuesday.  She is such a lovebug and she is wicked smart.   

What We've Been Up To

  I had a work trip to the Nashville area and had the chance to hang out with my roommate from Grad School!  Bridget and her husband Thom were in my grad cohort at Ohio State.  I hadn't seen them in over 10 years and it felt like it was yesterday that we had seen each other.  That's when you know they're your people - when you can pick right up where you left off.
 We had a date night out at our favorite steak place for Valentine's Day.

 We've been shopping for patio furniture.  Y'all.  Why is outdoor furniture so expensive???

 I've been reading the Sunday paper!!!  It has finally been delivered on Sunday mornings.  It only took them 7 weeks to get it together.  #wishitwasthenewyorktimes

 I have successfully broken my sweetened creamer addiction.  Yay!

What I'm Dreading

We are about to head into Spring storm season in these parts.   #notafan

 What I'm Working On

I'm trying to finalize plans for our trip to Florida in May.  I'm also hard at work on my Accounting class which I am loving!

What I'm Excited About 

Our trip to Florida in May!!!  I cannot wait!

What I'm Watching/Reading 
Such good stuff!

 I am almost finished with Midnight in Siberia and it is GOOD. 

 I've got As Bright As Heaven waiting in the wings.  I am excited to start this one next.  

We watched a LOT of Olympics and are now wrapping up this latest season of Top Chef.  Not sure what's going to be next on the watch list.

What I'm Listening To

The usual suspects: The Popcast, Sorta Awesome, My Favorite Murder
 Recently added:  Terrible, Thanks For Asking and I have already cried twice listening.  I also added The Lazy Genius into rotation and I'm really liking it.

   What I'm Wearing

What I'm Doing This Weekend

We are heading out for date night in Southlake.  Dinner at Trufire (maybe) and I need to pop into Sephora.  Other than that, it's the usual - Weight Watchers, groceries, and Target run.  I think we may hit up Aldi for the first time. 

What I'm Looking Forward to Next Month

I have a work trip to Salt Lake City and I'm super excited - it's been on my list of places to see and I've always heard good things about it.  I can't wait to go. 
What Else is New

Not much else!

What Is Your Family's Favorite Spring Break Destination 

We've only traveled once during Spring Break and that was to Fredericksburg. I'd go back in a heartbeat! 

That's it for this month!  See you Friday for Friday Favorites! 

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