It's time for How We Wednesday! Hosted by Shay and Erika, this is a monthly series all about how we do something. This month it's how we take care of ourselves.
A little bit about my life - I work full time in university administration, I'm also a Stella & Dot rep, I blog, and I'm currently taking an accounting class. It would be very easy for me to not take care of myself and blame it on my hectic life. That wouldn't do anyone any good. Not me, not my husband, not my staff.
I'll start with the easiest two. I try to eat right. I don't always succeed, but I feel at my best when I am putting good food in my body. You may be asking, well why then did she post a picture of a waffle?
I posted it for two reasons. One is, it is okay to indulge once in awhile. And this waffle in particular was made with protein powder and protein pancake mix, egg whites, and water. For those of you tracking Weight Watchers points, 1 waffle is 1 point!
I also try to stay as active as possible. That means even though I was in Tennessee from Sunday Evening to Wednesday Morning, I packed work out gear and had a work out plan for Monday and Tuesday. It would be really easy to skip it since I was out of town, but I need to keep my activity up. I just feel better when I'm more active.
I read! I try to take some time at night before bed to wind down, put the screens down, and read for at least 20 minutes. This helps me get into a good place where I can fall asleep.
Mr. Fisher and I have somewhat demanding jobs. I rarely unplug completely. When I'm traveling, I generally am keeping tabs on my email and responding to what needs to be responded to. However. One trip per year, we both unplug completely from work. Last year it was Hawaii, the year before it was Disney. This year it will be Orlando in May. I disengage my email and calendar notifications. If there were ever a true emergency, my boss has my cell phone number. But legitimately - if they can't do without me being out of email range for a week, then I'm doing something wrong as a boss and manager. It also means I come back to the office feeling rested and sharp and ready to jump back into things.
Other things I do? Regular pedicures where I plug in my ear buds and listen to a podcast or two and just relax. Regular facials where 9/10 times I will fall asleep. Girls Night Out once in a while when I need time with my friends. Those are all ways that I sprinkle in some things that keep me happy, healthy, and sane.
How do you take care of yourself?

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