03 April 2018

Life Lately

Hello!  Welcome to April and all the springtime goodness.  It's been awhile since I did one of these posts.  I thought I'd upload some pics of what we've been up to lately!

The weather has been great so we started working on the landscaping in our yard.  I can't wait to see what it looks like when we're all done.

Springtime is for ices coffee and pretty dresses! 

Kate has been on the mend and is just about back to her usual self.

I cannot begin to explain how much we love our new house and kitchen.  Double ovens for the win!  One of our favorite sides with dinner is roasted veggies. Last week we used up what was left of the cauliflower and broccoli and paired it with roast pork tenderloin.

Stella & Dot has released their Autism awareness month bracelet - the Unity Bracelet.  And it is so so pretty.  All proceeds from the sales of this bracelet are being donated to the HollyRod Foundation.   At $19 this is a great addition to your jewelry collection and also make a great gift!  The bracelet is adjustable so it fits just about any wrist size.

 This dress from J. Crew.  It is my new love.  It is so easy to wear.  This picture doesn't do the shade of burgundy justice.  It's a jersey material, so it drapes and moves beautifully.

I was off to Salt Lake City for a few days for work.  The first thing I did when we landed in SLC?  Grabbed coffee.  We had a 2.5 hour delay.  Ugh.  But it was worth it.  I just fell in love with the city.

I started Monday with a hotel room workout.  Tabata kicks my butt every time.

I mean, come on.  So gorgeous!

Not a bad view from my hotel room either.

Tuesday morning I hit the hotel gym for a run on the treadmill.  Tuesday was my last full day in SLC.  I had an early flight home Wednesday.  It is definitely a city I would love to return to some day.

I've been reading about the 1918 Spanish influenza pandemic and it is fascinating.

Good Friday was a really good Friday at work and we started it off with some fresh doughnuts.  

That Friday night, Phillip's family came over for dinner.  They were up from San Antonio for the Easter weekend.  We had a great time!  We grilled out, hung out, played cards and just enjoyed the company.

Saturday was GORGEOUS!  Sunny, breezy, and 80 degrees.  It was a good day for a pretty dress and sandals.  We had a few errands to run.

 Like picking up our race packets for our 5K next weekend!  It's our first race in awhile and I have a feeling it's going to be tough.

I offered to make dessert for Easter Sunday and I made rice pie.  It's one of my favorites and reminds me of my childhood.  It's easy and delicious.  Not too sweet and full of custardy goodness.

 I started Easter Sunday with mass.  It was PACKED.  Of course.  

We had Easter dinner at Mr. Fisher's parents' house with his family.  Unknowingly, Mr. Fisher and his nephew were wearing the same shirt.  Too cute!

 That's what we've been up to - how was your Easter weekend?

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