11 June 2009

And We're Back...

Alas - no recipe this Thursday. We will resume our regulalry scheduled programming next week. At the moment I am curled up on the couch and enjoying the sounds of the thunderstorm in the distance. While I am not a fan of severe weather, I love your garden variety summer storm. Fortunately, I have two sweet faced kitties who don't mind the thunder at all; unlike mama's dog who barks at every noise. She's lucky she's so adorable.

My trip home was wonderful. On Wednesday I got to spend some time with people I hadn't seen in years who were a significant part of my college years. It was so nice to be able to catch up with them. Many many thanks to John and Helen who let me crash with them Tuesday night. After that though, it was all about the wedding. Manicure, pedicure, quick lunch with Auntie Lorri and Emily (congrats on graduating Em; I am so proud of you!!!), rehearsal, salon, WEDDING, the earliest flight on the face of the planet and back to North Carolina.

So about the wedding...the ceremony was beautiful and short. Which is how Michaela and Michael wanted it. It clocked in at about 6 minutes and I think if they could have had it shorter than that they would have. Michaela was beautiful. Her dress was gorgeous, she was radiant, and she was so happy to be marrying Michael. Her mama, Kathy, was great. I kept teasing her about her way sassy shoes. They were sassy - all silver and bejeweled, so not what I would ever picture her wearing.

Of course there was drama and a missing bridesmaid for a time, but she made it. I swear, by my entire stock of diet A&W root beer, that my life would be so dull without my sister in it. If Michaela was the radiant bride, my sister was the comic relief. As usual. I am going to miss her so much when she moves to California. I tried to convince her to move to Raleigh, but she is westward bound. Melissa is definitely a California Girl trapped in a New Englander's body.

I have no pictures. My sister has some and if you are on facebook you can see them there. I never photograph well (I am just not photogenic) and the dress I wore as a bridesmaid was incredibly shapeless,making me look bigger than I really am and I actually lost a little more weight since the last fitting, which made it even more shapeless. Besides, it is hard not to look shapeless next to Melissa. I swear that girl hit the genetic lottery.

Anyhow...best wishes to Michaela and Michael and I hope they are enjoying their honeymoon in Hawaii. I feel blessed to have been part of their wedding day. The trip was fast and furious and I feel like I need a vacation to recover, but isn't that always the way?

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