11 February 2010

A Twist

I know I usually post the thursday recipe in the spot, but as I have been remiss in blogging lately, I thought a hybrid thursday recipe/look what I did post was more apropos. A little bit of history. By way of BooMama, I was introduced to the Pioneer Woman's site. If you have not yet checked out Ree's site you need to do that. Now. I'll wait a minute for you to do that then come back...

Are you back now? Okay...she also has a cookbook, which now that you have seen her site, you know why I want it so much. One of the recipes she posted lately was for restaurant style salsa. Here is one of the reasons I love Ree - she and I are salsa soulmates. There is just something unique about restaurant salsa. The "restaurant style" salsa in a jar just is not the same. At all. So when I came across this recipe I knew I had to try my hand at making salsa at home. Oh. My. Stars. It is sooooo delicious.

1 comment :

Auntie Lisa said...

I LOVE salsa!!! As I LOVE to cook, I will have to try my hand at this.

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