02 August 2016

A Day in the Life

I occasionally get asked "what do you do?"  Once upon a time when I worked in Student Affairs, my sister would tell people I was a Professional RA.  #notquite

I work an 8-5 job for a college district here in DFW.  I try not to name drop too much on the site, but occasionally you'll get a glimpse in pictures.  I thought it would be fun to chronicle my day.  Here's what happens - a day in my life.  This day happened to be yesterday, Monday.

It starts when my alarm goes off at 5:00am. #we're morning people.

I threw on my workout gear that I had set aside the night before and did a little Upper Fix with Autumn.

Tuesdays and Thursdays, Phillip and I hit the gym and get in a run.  This was a Monday, so I was on my own.

Ah, coffee.  I make one for me and then make Phillip's in the to go cup (the cup is from Starbucks for those of you who are curious).

He heads out at 6 #Iwarnedyouweweremorningpeople and I shower and dress and head out the door.

It was a good morning - I was in the car by 6:50am.  On the way to work I listen to ESPN radio, Mike & Mike - especially during football season.

7:25 is roughly when I get to work.  My office opens at 8:00 and I like the half hour of quiet to work on things before anyone else gets there.

See - quiet, empty office

My desk.  When I am actually in the office, this is where I spend most of my time - I work on projects, issue acceptance letters and I-20s for international students, handle VA processing, respond to emails, phone calls and whatever comes my way.

Around 9am or so I usually make a second cup of coffee.  Yes, I keep a mini Keurig in my office.  #itsavesme

Yesterday was an "in office" day.  I didn't have any meetings that took me elsewhere in the district so I worked on files to get students the documents they need to arrive here at TCC (international rules and regulations - love 'em!).  Then it was time for lunch and I forgot to take a picture.  90% of the time I bring lunch from home and yesterday was no exception: tuna fish on spinach with a few croutons, some walnuts, and a drizzle of light ceasar dressing.

After lunch I caught up on some email and worked on drinking my water.  I am so bad at drinking enough water during the day.  I really need to get better at it.

Around 3pm or so I am usually ready for snack.  Monday's snack was a green apple.  Sometimes it's a yogurt or nuts.  Usually a green apple though.

Yesterday was a crazy busy day - non stop interruptions so when 5:00 rolled around I was ready to head home.  It was my night to make dinner and we had previously decided on pesto pasta salad #wemealplanforthewholeweek #itmakeslifeeasier #trustme

This is one of our favorite favorite meals.  We try to do meatless Mondays and rotate through a variety of vegetarian options.  This hands down is Phillip's favorite.  Mine might be the veggie burrito bowls.

He doesn't trust my pasta testing capabilities #asif #italiangirl #perfectlyaldente

Finished product!  Looks delicious right?  And yes, I set the table every night with placemats and linen napkins #adulting

We generally eat around 7pm most nights, give or take 20 minutes depending on traffic, late night at the office, etc.

After dinner I boxed up a Poshmark purchase - yay! #kaching  Then I prep for the next day - decide on lunch, get my workout gear together, and make sure my planner and any papers I need for work the next day are in my bag.

We watched a little food network while relaxing on the couch.

This one preferred the floor #shescute

I changed into pajamas and went through my nightly routine of washing my face, brushing my teeth, and getting my vitamins/meds together for the next morning.  At 8:30 we watched Sunday night's John Oliver episode and after that it was time for bed.  When you get up at 5am, you're in bed by 9/9:30.  #lightsout

And that's my day!  Thanks for following along!



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