29 July 2016

Friday Favorites - Stella & Dot

It's my last Friday off.  Yay!  I'm looking forward to my schedule going back to normal.  But boo, I do enjoy those Fridays off when they roll around.
This post is dedicated to my favorite Stella & Dot pieces.  I have an amazing stylist named Dana.  She was a year ahead of me in high school and she has seriously helped me to up my accessories game.  For real.  #truth
If you see anything you like in this post, click here to order.  No pressure, this isn't a party or anything.  I am just highlighting my favorite Stella & Dot items and if you fall in love with them too, I want you to enjoy them!
Let's start with the necklaces, shall we?

I have this one in Rose Gold too, and my plan is to get a gold version with my wedding date on it when I get married. #trifecta

This one is great because you can take different parts of the necklace off to customize it however you want. 

I love this one so much I have it in the silver too... 

necklace (similar)
I love this necklace and wear it a lot.  Unfortunately, it's not available anymore, but the one I linked too is very close in styling.  So close that I haven't purchased the new version because it's very similar to the one I have.


These particular studs are no longer available, but the turquoise ones I linked to are and they are darling.  

I love these chandeliers.  They are my favorite gold earrings.  The ones I linked to are very similar.  If you like these, I suggest going with the Alilas.

Other earrings I love but don't have photos of: relic studs, rose gold deja vu studs (they're reversible!), and of course my beloved ear climbers (I decided to spare you another photograph with them).

Other Items

These made the cut but I don't have photos.  You'll have to take my word for it that I love these and they are super cute in person.

double wallet (I use it as a clutch) 

 Those are my favorites!  And remember, if something catches your eye, click here to order.  Have a great weekend y'all!.



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