10 October 2016

Life Lately

It's been hard getting back into the swing of things after vacation.  #sotough

I wish we could go back to Disney but we've moved into some of the finer details of the wedding - rehearsal dinner, minister, talk of tuxedo rentals, it's hard to believe that it is just about a year away.  We've also decided to stay put for the time being.  While renting a house would have been nice, we thought we'd stay here in our apartment another year and try and save as much as we can.  And we won't have to box everything up #canIgetanamen

What I really wanted to do last weekend was this...relax on the porch and enjoy the fall weather, maybe with a glass of wine.  Instead, what I was doing was this:

I was setting up my computer after Apple had to replace the hard drive.  Sigh.  And now I can't get my microsoft office to work.  There doesn't seem a way to say "forgot password" on the set up screen. 

skirt | top | shoes | necklace (similar)

I have fallen in love with mixing stripes and florals.  I can thank Cassie over at Hi Sugarplum! for the inspiration.  I've always paired a print with a solid.  Always, but I'm glad I tried this look!

Monday was the kind of day where I started eating my lunch and looked up at 4pm and realized I hadn't touched the other half.  Let me tell you that was an indication of how the rest of the work week was going to go.

With all the craziness of the week, I made it a point to make sure I got to barre class.  Some people go for yoga, I go to barre.  I am so relaxed when I finish and sore, don't forget sore.  I love it.

Thursday and Friday I got to work with some great front line staff as a regional association I work with hosted a professional development day.  The turnout was incredible and the feedback has been positive.  I'm looking forward to being able to offer this again in the future.


Can you tell by my face that it's 5am and I am off to an early barre class?  Monday, Wednesday, and Friday this is how I start my day.  Tuesday and Thursday I hit them gym for some cardio on the treadmill.

Speaking of running, it was time for some new running shoes.  I am loyal to Brooks.  About 3 years ago I went and got professionally fitted and it changed my running life forever.  Consider this your public service announcement - go get fitted!  Since I was fitted I have had no knee or shin pain.  None.  And I used to get shin splints all the time.  Around here, RunOn will do the fitting.

top | leggings | watch (on sale!)

Does this outfit scream "cozy night at home" or what?  I am so glad the fall weather has started to creep in.  Cooler nights, scarves, boots, pumpkins - I am here for it all.  Friday was cooler than it had been lately and after I got back from the event I immediately changed into this to relax and enjoy a quiet evening at home.

Did I mention that it was boot weather?  #finally #october #myfavoritemonth

I love these boots.  I like that they're as high as they are and the color is perfect.

top (similar) | jeans | scarf (similar) | boots (similar and on sale!)

We were off to the outlets on Saturday and there was a definite chill in the air when we left the house so you know that means I broke out the scarf to go with the boots.  It was a gorgeous day to be out and about.  I think everyone was at the Fair because the outlets were definitely quiet.  We did some shopping and had a bite to eat and then we met up with Phillip's parents for dinner in Dallas.  A perfect fall day.

Sunday!  It was a great football weekend.  New England won!  Woohoo!!!  I had to follow the game via update alerts on my phone because the game wasn't carried here in Texas.  Brady had a GREAT game.  And Phillip's Cowboys won so we're both pretty happy with the outcomes of our games.

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