12 October 2016

Stranded! Halloween Candy Edition

Oh I am so excited about this month's edition of Stranded With...Halloween Candy!  So here's the premise of Stranded With...what three things would you take if you were stranded on an island.  October is my favorite month and one of the reasons for that is because of Halloween.  Candy, costumes, trick or treaters, I love it!

So what three Halloween Candies would I want on a stranded island?

We'll start with my favorite

I LOVE Hershey's Kisses.  I can't keep them in the office or I will eat them all.  I love to let them melt in my mouth like a hard candy and let the chocolate melt.  Hands down the way to my chocolate loving heart is with Hershey's Kisses.

Runner up to the Hershey's Kisses is the Reese's Peanut Butter Cup.  I love the salty/sweet of the chocolate and peanut butter.  So delicious.  These don't make it into the office either, otherwise they disappear way too quickly.

And rounding out the top 3 is Kit Kat.  Crispy, chocolate-y, and delicious.  Hopefully there's refrigeration on this deserted island otherwise all this chocolate would melt and that would be not be good. 

What three Halloween Candies would you want if you were stranded on an island?


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