31 October 2016

Life Lately

Oh hello Monday - you're here already?  Sigh.  The weekend always goes by so quickly, doesn't it?  I didn't get to a Life Lately post last week because I recapped date night instead.  I'm trying to condense two weeks into this one post but trying not to make it too long.  Stay with me :)

Let's start with the usual, shall we?  Still barre obsessed.  Have you tried it yet?  I did my first intensive this past weekend and I'm in the middle of a challenge 20 classes in 31 days.  I've got them all scheduled so I can get them all in, we'll see if I make it.

I'm on a committee for work which requires that I travel to Austin a few times each semester.  I had to go a couple of weeks ago.  I'm Hilton loyal, so I stayed at the DoubleTree near the Arboretum.  It was nice.  Clean, modern decor, great service.  This was the second time I've stayed there and wouldn't mind staying there again if the occasion called for it.

I had a little work to do when I got there, but then had an hour or so to get some reading done for class. I''m enrolled in a graduate certificate in Enrollment Management and this is one of the books.  There are also a gazillion articles to read.  The articles are interesting, the book is a slog.  #truth

After I returned from Austin, we went out that weekend.  This was the Saturday we spent at the Warwick Melrose and had dinner at Toulouse

If you ever find yourself there, order the French Onion Soup.  #trustme #somuchdeliciousness

The next morning, do yourself a favor and go to Cafe Brazil and order the chorizo empanada or any of the breakfast options that includes one.  #myfavoritebreakfastitem #ican'tevendescribehowgood

Like all good things, they come to an end, and I returned home to a pile of ironing.  I really hate ironing.  It is the domestic chore that I like the least, so I tend to let it pile up.

I have been gaining and losing the same 5 pounds for the last 2 years.  I need to stay focused and get to my goal.  20 pounds to go. I've tried to be better about my snacking, which is where I really get into trouble.  Carrots dipped in Dijon mustard have been my go-to afternoon snack lately.  They aren't Cheetos, but they help with the crunchy/salty craving.

This past weekend, we did our civic duty and went and voted.  Easy peasy.  Our local early voting location had practically no wait.  We were in and out in 10 minutes. 

Date night was a little more low key than last weekend.  We went to Southlake Town Square for a bit.  I was looking for something to wear Sunday for our engagement photos.  I was unsuccessful, but it was a beautiful night to wander around.  We opted for P.F. Chang's for dinner. 

It was also National Cat Day.  These two spent the day outside, enjoying a quiet, lazy day on the patio.  They have such a stressful life, don't they?

On the weekend, when we aren't running errands, doing homework, or working, you can usually find us here, curled up on the couch watching football or Westworld or the Food Network.

dress | shoes | necklace (similar) | watch | bracelet (similar)

I apologize for the cleavage shot, but it's a V-neck dress, ha ha.  I love this dress.  I had a meeting with our new Chancellor this afternoon so it was a dress up day for sure.

On Sunday, we had our engagement photo session.  We met the photographer in the arts district in Dallas.  I loved the locations we were at and I think the pictures are going to come out great.  We are less than a year from getting married.  I can't hardly believe it!  I'm excited about the wedding, of course.  We're thrilled to be having our friends and family come to town to celebrate.  But in the end, what I am really excited about is marrying the love of my life.  The one who makes me laugh, who I can talk to about anything.  I'm looking forward to our life together.  Part of me wants to say I feel so lucky to have found him.  I don't know if it's luck, but I am incredibly happy, more than I ever thought possible.

That's what we've been up to lately.  What's new with you all?  Make it a great week - and don't eat too much Halloween candy!


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