26 October 2016

What's Up Wednesday

What's up, y'all!  Here we are, the last Wednesday in October - and you know that means it's time for What's Up Wednesday.  Here's what we've been up to...

What We're Eating This Week

Monday - Zucchini and Bean Burritos #meatlessmonday
Tuesday - Dinner on the run, not sure yet.  I've got a presentation at one of our campuses, so I'll be out and about and not home for dinner
Wednesday - Veggie burgers
Thursday - Kabobs with cauliflower rice
Friday - Shay's Jalapeno Cheddar Burgers

What I'm Reminiscing About

This peanut is turning 4 years old!  How is that possible?  Phillip and I will be in Rhode Island for Christmas this year, so I get a whole week with this kid and I couldn't be more excited.  She's smart, sassy, and currently obsessed with Wonder Woman.  She even wrote her own theme song.  #icantwiththiskid #toomuch #loveher

What I'm Loving

You all knew the answer to this one.  I've only been obsessing about it now for 3 months.  I cannot even begin to describe how much.  And I feel stronger.  Phillip even commented the other day that he could tell that it's making a difference.  My abs have never been stronger.  I still remember my first class, some of the moves had me thinking I was never going to make it and I am now able to do things that I never thought I could.  #lovepurebarrelascolinas

What We've Been Up To

I recapped our Date Night on Monday.

We really enjoyed our night away, even it was in our own backyard.  How could you not when that was your view during dinner?  Quiet night, fairy lights, and excellent company.

Phillip and I have also been chatting about how we can make some changes to our living room.  We have some ideas, now to do some exploring.

We've been running, not as much as we used to, and we need to get back into the swing of things as we have a couple of races coming up, eek!  The Toro Dash the first weekend of November and the Arlington Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving Day.  I need to push myself a little more to get out the door and run.

I was able to be part of a staff professonal development opportunity with a local organization I am a part of.  It went incredibly well and those who attended walked away with some new information and some new contacts at other schools in the DFW area.

Did anyone else watch the Hamilton documentary last Friday night?  Oh I want to go to NY and see it!  I really wanted to go before I saw the doc, and now I really, really, really want to go.

What I'm Dreading

At the moment?  Not much, except the conclusion of this dental procedure thing I have going on.

What I'm Working On

Homework!  I'm back in the classroom.  I am working on a graduate certificate in enrollment management.  It's a yearlong program and I'm looking forward to adding this credential to my resume.

What I'm Excited About

On Friday, it will be 365 days until our wedding!  Right?  I can't believe it.  When we got engaged back in January, it felt like October 2017 was going to be so far away, but these last months have flown by!  So crazy.  We are so excited for our friends and family to come to Texas to celebrate with us. 

What I'm Watching/Reading

At the moment, I'm reading The Handbook of Strategic Enrollment Management.  I won't bore you with the details of that.  What we're watching is a little more exciting.


This is Us is all me, Phillip wasn't interested so I'm on my own there.  I am riveted and it makes me cry at least twice every episode.  The cast is brilliant.  You should really check it out.  Our mandatory viewing lately has been Westworld.  It's crazy good.  Again, another brilliant cast, but the storyline is just amazing.  And you have to pay attention.  We're looking forward to the return of Top Chef.  This season takes place in Charleston which I am sure will only cement by increasing desire to visit the city.  We keep meaning to check out Designated Survivor.  It got great reviews.  Should we pick it up?  Have any of you seen it?

What I'm Listening To

A lot of podcasts.  It's usually ESPN in the morning and then on the way home a rotation of podcasts including: My Favorite Murder, Criminal, Nutrition Diva, The West Wing Weekly, and The Last Podcast on the Left.

What I'm Wearing

It is finally fall here in Texas - hooray!  Although this week it's been in the low 80s.  We've had a few days in the 70s and the mornings have been chilly. 

top | bra | leggings

Since it's basically all barre all the time around here, I had to include that.

tunic | leggings | watch

jeans | top | belt | shoes (similar) | bag (similar) | earrings | necklace

I will unapologetically wear white jeans after labor day.  I love them, they transition so well into Fall, and provide a great canvas for colored tops.  #sothere

scarf | jeans | top | boots (similar) | earrings (similar)

And I was finally able to wear my favorite fall outfit - jeans and boots, a long sleeve tee, and a plaid scarf.

What I'm Doing This Weekend

On Saturday we are going to hit up early voting and then on Sunday we are meeting our photographer to do our engagement photos!  So exciting.  I'm still trying to decide what to wear...

What I'm Looking Forward to Next Month

Thanksgiving!  A four day Thanksgiving break, some good movies (Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them), and wrapping up my Christmas shopping.  My goal for that is to always be done by Thanksgiving so I can enjoy the holidays with my friends and family.

What Else Is New

My blog design!  I am loving the new platform.  It makes posting a lot easier.  There are some things I miss about blogger, but that is outweighed by the look and functionality of this one.

Favorite Halloween Memory or Tradition

Well to start with, I LOVE Halloween.  I especially love Trick or Treaters and asking all of them about their costumes.  I remember trick or treating as a kid and picking out these great costumes and then having to wear winter coats over them because the temps were too cold to go without a coat.  That's trick or treating in Rhode Island for you.

Thanks for joining me for What's Up Wednesday.  Come back on Friday for Friday Favorites!


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